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JSON转换 - JSONUtils.java
1 package com.demo.utils;  2   3 import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;  4 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;  5 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;  6 import org.json.JSONArray;  7 import org.json.JSONObject;  8 import org.slf4j.Logger;  9 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 10  11 import java.io.IOException; 12  13 public class JSONUtils { 14  15     private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JSONUtils.class); 16  17     private JSONUtils() { 18     } 19  20     public static JSONObject parseJSONObject(String json) { 21         try { 22             return new JSONObject(json); 23         } catch (Exception e) { 24             logger.error("parse JSONObject error!", e); 25         } 26         return null; 27     } 28  29     public static JSONArray parseJSONArray(String jsonArray) { 30         try { 31             return new JSONArray(jsonArray); 32         } catch (Exception e) { 33             logger.error("parse parseJSONArray error!", e); 34         } 35         return null; 36     } 37  38     public static String getString(JSONObject obj, String name) { 39         String value = ""; 40         try { 41             value = obj.getString(name); 42         } catch (Exception e) { 43             logger.error("JSONObject get String value error!", e); 44         } 45         return value; 46     } 47  48     public static Long getLong(JSONObject obj, String name) { 49         Long value = 0L; 50         try { 51             value = obj.getLong(name); 52         } catch (Exception e) { 53             logger.error("JSONObject get Long value error!", e); 54         } 55         return value; 56     } 57  58     public static JSONArray getJSONArray(JSONObject obj, String name) { 59         try { 60             return obj.getJSONArray(name); 61         } catch (Exception e) { 62             logger.error("JSONObject get JSONArray value error!", e); 63         } 64         return null; 65     } 66  67     public static String toJson(Object obj) { 68         if (obj == null) { 69             return ""; 70         } 71         ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); 72         try { 73             return mapper.writeValueAsString(obj); 74         } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { 75             logger.error("JSONUtils to String error!", e); 76         } 77         return ""; 78     } 79  80     public static 
T fromJson(String json, Class
clazz) { 81 if (StringUtils.isBlank(json)) return null; 82 ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); 83 try { 84 return mapper.readValue(json, clazz); 85 } catch (IOException e) { 86 logger.error("JSONUtils fromJson error!", e); 87 } 88 return null; 89 } 90 91 92 public static
T fromJsonWithoutErr(String json, Class
clazz) { 93 ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); 94 try { 95 return mapper.readValue(json, clazz); 96 } catch (IOException ignored) { 97 } 98 return null; 99 }100 101 /**102 * 取字符串值 调用toString方法103 *104 * @param v 对象105 * @param dv 默认值106 * @return107 */108 String strValue(Object v, String dv) {109 if (v != null && v instanceof String)110 return StringUtils.isBlank(v.toString()) ? dv : v.toString();111 return v == null ? dv : v.toString();112 }113 }
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Data时间 - DataUtils.java
1 package com.demo.utils;  2   3 import freemarker.template.utility.NullArgumentException;  4 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;  5 import org.slf4j.Logger;  6 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;  7   8 import java.text.ParseException;  9 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; 10 import java.util.Calendar; 11 import java.util.Date; 12 import java.util.GregorianCalendar; 13 import java.util.Set; 14  15 /** 16  * 日期转换工具 17  * 18  */ 19 public class DateUtils { 20  21     private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DateUtils.class); 22  23     public static final int TIME_SECOND = 1000; 24  25     public static final int TIME_MINUTE = 60 * TIME_SECOND; 26  27     public static final int TIME_HOUR = 60 * TIME_MINUTE; 28  29     public static final int TIME_DAY = 24 * TIME_HOUR; 30  31     public enum Pattern { 32         YEAR("yyyy"), // 33         MONTH("MM"), // 34         DAY("dd"), // 35         HOUR("HH"), // 36         MINUTE("mm"), // 37         SECOND("ss"), // 38         YEAR_MONTH("yyyy/MM"), // 39         YEAR_MONTH_SHORT("yyyyMM"), // 40         YEAR_MONTH_CN("yyyy-MM"), // 41         DATE_CN("yyyy-MM-dd"), // 42         DATE_EN("yyyy/MM/dd"), // 43         DATE_SHORT("yyyyMMdd"), // 44         TIME_FULL("HH:mm:ss"), // 45         TIME_SHORT("HHmmss"), // 46         TIME_HM("HH:mm"), // 47         TIME_HM_S("HHmm"), // 48         DATETIME_YMDHM_CN("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"), // 49         DATETIME_SHORT("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), // 50         DATETIME_FULL_SHORT("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS"), // 51         DATETIME_CN("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), // 52         DATETIME_EN("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); 53  54         private final String value; 55  56         private Pattern(String value) { 57             this.value = value; 58         } 59  60         public String getValue() { 61             return value; 62         } 63     } 64  65     protected static final String[] WEEK_CN = {"星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"}; 66     protected static final String[] WEEK_CN_SHORT = {"周日", "周一", "周二", "周三", "周四", "周五", "周六"}; 67  68     /** 69      * 获日期取周中文名称 70      * 71      * @param date 72      * @return 73      */ 74     public static String getWeek(Date date) { 75         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); 76         cal.setTime(date); 77         int week_index = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1; 78         if (week_index < 0) { 79             week_index = 0; 80         } 81         return WEEK_CN[week_index]; 82     } 83  84     /** 85      * 获工作是取周中文名称 86      * 87      * @param week 88      * @return 89      */ 90     public static String getWeek(final Integer week) { 91         int index_week = 0; 92         if (week != null && week >= 0 && week <= 6) { 93             index_week = week; 94         } 95         return WEEK_CN[index_week]; 96     } 97  98     /** 99      * 获工作是取周中文名称100      *101      * @param week102      * @return103      */104     public static String getWeekShort(final Integer week) {105         int index_week = 0;106         if (week != null && week >= 0 && week <= 6) {107             index_week = week;108         }109         return WEEK_CN_SHORT[index_week];110     }111 112 113     /**114      * Return the current date115      *116      * @return - DATE
117 */118 public static Date currDateTime() {119 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();120 return cal.getTime();121 }122 123 /**124 * Return the current date125 *126 * @return - DATE
127 */128 public static Date currDateTimeCN() {129 Date date = currDateTime();130 String dateStr = format(Pattern.DATETIME_CN, date);131 return parseDateTime(dateStr);132 }133 134 /**135 * Return the current date string136 *137 * @return - 产生的日期字符串
138 */139 public static String getCurrentDateStr() {140 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();141 Date currDate = cal.getTime();142 return format(currDate);143 }144 145 /**146 * Return the current date in the specified format147 *148 * @return149 */150 public static String getCurrentDateTimeStr() {151 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();152 Date currDate = cal.getTime();153 154 return formatTime(currDate);155 }156 157 public static Date parse(final Pattern pattern, String dateValue) {158 if (dateValue == null) {159 return null;160 }161 SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern.getValue());162 163 try {164 return dateFormat.parse(dateValue);165 } catch (ParseException e) {166 logger.error(DateUtils.class.getSimpleName(), e);167 }168 169 return null;170 171 }172 173 /**174 * Parse a string and return a date timestamp175 *176 * @param timestamp177 * @return178 * @throws Exception179 */180 public static Date parse(Long timestamp) {181 return new Date(timestamp);182 }183 184 /**185 * Parse a string and return a date value186 *187 * @param dateValue188 * @return189 * @throws Exception190 */191 public static Date parseDate(String dateValue) {192 return parse(Pattern.DATE_CN, dateValue);193 }194 195 /**196 * Parse a strign and return a datetime value197 *198 * @param dateValue199 * @return200 */201 public static Date parseDateTime(String dateValue) {202 return parse(Pattern.DATETIME_CN, dateValue);203 }204 205 /**206 * String转换Date("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")207 *208 * @param dateValue209 * @return210 */211 public static Date parseDateTimeHM(String dateValue) {212 return parse(Pattern.DATETIME_YMDHM_CN, dateValue);213 }214 215 /**216 * 将Timestamp类型的日期转换为系统参数定义的格式的字符串。217 *218 * @param datetime 需要转换的日期。219 * @return 转换后符合给定格式的日期字符串220 */221 public static String format(Date datetime) {222 return format(Pattern.DATE_CN, datetime);223 }224 225 /**226 * 将Timestamp类型的日期转换为系统参数定义的格式的字符串。227 *228 * @param datetime 需要转换的日期。229 * @return 转换后符合给定格式的日期字符串230 */231 public static String formatTime(Date datetime) {232 return format(Pattern.DATETIME_CN, datetime);233 }234 235 public static String formatTimeYMDHM(Date dateTime) {236 return format(Pattern.DATETIME_YMDHM_CN, dateTime);237 }238 239 /**240 * 将Date类型的日期转换为系统参数定义的格式的字符串。241 *242 * @param pattern243 * @param datetime244 * @return245 */246 public static String format(final Pattern pattern, Date datetime) {247 if (datetime == null)248 return null;249 SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern.getValue());250 return dateFormat.format(datetime);251 }252 253 /**254 * 取得指定日期N天后的日期255 *256 * @param date257 * @param days258 * @return259 */260 public static Date addDays(Date date, int days) {261 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();262 cal.setTime(date);263 264 cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, days);265 266 return cal.getTime();267 }268 269 /**270 * 计算两个日期之间相差的天数271 *272 * @param date1273 * @param date2274 * @return275 */276 public static int daysBetween(Date date1, Date date2) {277 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();278 cal.setTime(date1);279 long time1 = cal.getTimeInMillis();280 cal.setTime(date2);281 long time2 = cal.getTimeInMillis();282 long betweenDays = (time2 - time1) / (1000 * 3600 * 24);283 284 return Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(betweenDays));285 }286 287 /**288 * 计算当前日期相对于"1977-12-01"的天数289 *290 * @param date291 * @return292 */293 public static long getRelativeDays(Date date) {294 Date relativeDate = DateUtils.parse(Pattern.DATE_CN, "1977-12-01");295 296 return DateUtils.daysBetween(relativeDate, date);297 }298 299 public static Date getDateBeforTwelveMonth() {300 String date = "";301 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();302 calendar.setTime(currDateTime());303 int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1;304 int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;305 if (month > 9) {306 date = String.valueOf(year) + "-" + month + "-01";307 } else {308 date = String.valueOf(year) + "-0" + month + "-01";309 }310 311 return parseDate(date);312 }313 314 /**315 * 传入时间字符串,加一天后返回Date316 *317 * @param date 时间 格式 YYYY-MM-DD318 * @return319 */320 public static Date addDate(String date) {321 if (date == null) {322 return null;323 }324 325 Date tempDate = parse(Pattern.DATE_CN, date);326 String year = format(Pattern.YEAR, tempDate);327 String month = format(Pattern.MONTH, tempDate);328 String day = format(Pattern.DAY, tempDate);329 330 GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(Integer.parseInt(year), Integer.parseInt(month) - 1, Integer.parseInt(day));331 332 calendar.add(GregorianCalendar.DATE, 1);333 return calendar.getTime();334 }335 336 public static Integer getOfType(Date date, int type) {337 if (date == null) {338 return null;339 }340 Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();341 c.setTime(date);342 int t = Calendar.YEAR;343 switch (type) {344 case Calendar.MONTH:345 t = Calendar.MONTH;346 return c.get(t) + 1;347 case Calendar.DATE:348 t = Calendar.DATE;349 break;350 case Calendar.HOUR:351 t = Calendar.HOUR;352 break;353 case Calendar.MINUTE:354 t = Calendar.MINUTE;355 break;356 case Calendar.SECOND:357 t = Calendar.SECOND;358 break;359 case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:360 t = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK;361 break;362 case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH:363 t = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH;364 break;365 default:366 break;367 }368 return c.get(t);369 }370 371 public static Date getFirstDayOfMouth(Date date) {372 if (date == null) {373 return null;374 }375 Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();376 c.setTime(date);377 c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);378 c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);379 c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);380 c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);381 c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);382 return c.getTime();383 }384 385 /**386 * 时间去掉时分秒(yyy-MM-dd 00:00:00.000)387 *388 * @param dateTime389 * @return390 */391 public static Date clearTime(Date dateTime) {392 if (dateTime == null) {393 return null;394 }395 Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();396 c.setTime(dateTime);397 c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);398 c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);399 c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);400 c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);401 return c.getTime();402 }403 404 /**405 * 时间去掉毫秒(yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.000)406 *407 * @param dateTime408 * @return409 */410 public static Date clearTimeMS(Date dateTime) {411 if (dateTime == null) {412 return null;413 }414 Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();415 c.setTime(dateTime);416 c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);417 return c.getTime();418 }419 420 /**421 * 日期最后一刻(yyy-MM-dd 23:59:59.999)422 *423 * @param dateTime424 * @return425 */426 public static Date endTime(Date dateTime) {427 if (dateTime == null) {428 return null;429 }430 Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();431 c.setTime(dateTime);432 c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);433 c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);434 c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);435 c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);436 return c.getTime();437 }438 439 public static Date addHours(Date date, int hours) {440 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();441 cal.setTime(date);442 cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hours);443 return cal.getTime();444 }445 446 public static Date addMinutes(Date date, int minutes) {447 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();448 cal.setTime(date);449 cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, minutes);450 return cal.getTime();451 }452 453 /**454 * 计算两个日期之间的工作日数455 *456 * @param start 开始日期457 * @param end 结束日期458 * @param workday 适用工作日(1周日2周一3周二4周三5周四6周五7周六)459 * @return 工作日数460 */461 public static int workdays(Date start, Date end, Set
workday) {462 if (start == null || end == null) {463 throw new NullArgumentException("start ro end date is require!");464 }465 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();466 cal.setTime(start);467 int count = 0;468 while (cal.getTime().before(addDays(end, 1))) {469 if (workday.contains(getOfType(cal.getTime(), Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK))) {470 count++;471 }472 cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);473 }474 return count;475 }476 477 /**478 * 计算两个日期之间的工作日数479 *480 * @param start 开始日期481 * @param end 结束日期482 * @param workday 适用工作日(1周日2周一3周二4周三5周四6周五7周六)483 * @return 工作日数484 */485 public static int workdays(Date start, Date end, String workday) {486 if (start == null || end == null) {487 throw new NullArgumentException("start ro end date is require!");488 }489 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();490 cal.setTime(start);491 int count = 0;492 while (cal.getTime().before(addDays(end, 1))) {493 Integer tmp = getOfType(cal.getTime(), Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);494 if (tmp != null && workday.contains(tmp.toString())) {495 count++;496 }497 cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);498 }499 return count;500 }501 502 /**503 * 1234567转中文504 *505 * @param workday506 * @param separator 分割符507 * @return508 */509 public static String convertWorkdays(String workday, String separator) {510 return convertWorkdays(workday, separator, "zh_cn_short");511 }512 513 /**514 * 1234567转中文515 *516 * @param workday517 * @param separator 分割符518 * @param nameType 中文(全、简写)519 * @return520 */521 public static String convertWorkdays(String workday, String separator, String nameType) {522 if (StringUtils.isBlank(workday)) {523 return "-";524 }525 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();526 for (int i = 0; i < workday.length(); i++) {527 if (sb.length() > 0) {528 sb.append(separator);529 }530 String day = String.valueOf(workday.charAt(i));531 if (StringUtils.isNumeric(day)) {532 if ("zh_cn".equals(nameType)) {533 sb.append(DateUtils.getWeek(Integer.valueOf(day)));534 } else if ("zh_cn_short".equals(nameType)) {535 sb.append(DateUtils.getWeekShort(Integer.valueOf(day)));536 }537 }538 }539 return sb.toString();540 }541 542 /**543 * 时间偏移544 *545 * @param date 时间546 * @param offsetDay 天数547 * @param offsetMin 分钟数548 * @return 跨越天数(以0点为准)549 */550 public static int calcOffset(Date date, int offsetDay, int offsetMin) {551 // Date date = DateUtils.parse(Pattern.TIME_HM_S, hm);552 if (date == null) return 0;553 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();554 cal.setTime(date);555 Date d0 = cal.getTime();556 Date d1 = addDays(date, offsetDay);557 Date d2 = addMinutes(d1, offsetMin);558 Date d3 = d1.after(d2) ? d1 : d2;559 d3 = clearTime(d3);560 int n = 0;561 do {562 d3 = addDays(d3, -1);563 if (d3.after(d0) && !d2.before(d3)) {564 n++;565 }566 } while (d3.after(d0));567 return n;568 }569 570 /**571 * 分钟偏移572 *573 * @param date 时间574 * @param offsetDay 天数575 * @param offsetMin 分钟数576 * @return577 */578 public static Date moveMinute(Date date, int offsetDay, int offsetMin) {579 if (date == null) return null;580 Date d1 = addDays(date, offsetDay);581 Date d2 = addMinutes(d1, offsetMin);582 return addDays(d2, -offsetDay);583 }584 585 /**586 * 分钟偏移587 *588 * @param hm 时分589 * @param offsetDay 天数590 * @param offsetMin 分钟数591 * @return592 */593 public static String moveMinute(String hm, int offsetDay, int offsetMin) {594 Date date = DateUtils.parse(Pattern.TIME_HM_S, hm);595 if (date == null) return null;596 // logger.info("{}|{}|{}", formatTime(d1), formatTime(d2), formatTime(d3));597 return format(Pattern.TIME_HM_S, moveMinute(date, offsetDay, offsetMin));598 }599 600 601 /**602 * 两个日期取小值603 *604 * @param date1605 * @param date2606 * @return607 */608 public static Date min(Date date1, Date date2) {609 if (date1 == null) return date2;610 else if (date2 == null) return date1;611 else if (date1.after(date2)) return date2;612 return date1;613 }614 615 /**616 * 两个日期取大值617 *618 * @param date1619 * @param date2620 * @return621 */622 public static Date max(Date date1, Date date2) {623 if (date1 == null) return date2;624 else if (date2 == null) return date1;625 else if (date1.before(date2)) return date2;626 return date1;627 }628 629 /**630 *

Title: exchangeDate

631 *


632 *633 * @param nyr 取年月日634 * @param sfm 取时分635 * @return636 */637 public static Date exchangeDate(Date nyr, Date sfm) {638 Date date = new Date();639 try {640 String sfmStr = format(Pattern.TIME_HM, sfm);641 String nyrStr = format(nyr);642 date = parse(Pattern.DATETIME_YMDHM_CN, nyrStr + " " + sfmStr);643 } catch (Exception e) {644 }645 return date;646 }647 648 public static String exchangeString(Date nyr, Date sfm) {649 Date date = new Date();650 try {651 String sfmStr = format(Pattern.TIME_HM, sfm);652 String nyrStr = format(nyr);653 return nyrStr + " " + sfmStr;654 } catch (Exception e) {655 }656 return formatTimeYMDHM(date);657 }658 659 }
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System系统 - SystemUtil.java
1 package com.sf.shiva.trtms.ground.core.utils;  2   3 import java.net.InetAddress;  4 import java.net.NetworkInterface;  5 import java.net.UnknownHostException;  6 import java.util.Enumeration;  7 import java.util.Properties;  8   9  10 import org.slf4j.Logger; 11 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 12  13  14 public class SystemUtil { 15  16  17     private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SystemUtil.class); 18  19  20     /** 21      * 返回本机IP的字符串形式 22      *  23      * @return 24      * @throws Exception 25      */ 26     public static String getLocalIp() throws Exception { 27         InetAddress inetAddress; 28  29  30         inetAddress = getSystemLocalIP(); 31         if (null != inetAddress) { 32             String ip = inetAddress.getHostAddress(); 33             LOG.info("获取的本机IP为{}", ip); 34             return ip; 35         } 36         throw new Exception("获取ip失败"); 37     } 38  39  40     /** 41      * 获取本机ip的InetAddress形式 42      *  43      * @return 44      * @throws Exception 45      */ 46     private static InetAddress getSystemLocalIP() throws Exception { 47  48  49         InetAddress inetAddress; 50         String osName = getSystemOsName(); 51         if ("Windows".compareToIgnoreCase(osName) < 0) { 52             inetAddress = getWinLocalIp(); 53         } else { 54             inetAddress = getUnixLocalIp(); 55         } 56         return inetAddress; 57     } 58  59  60     /** 61      * 获取类Unix系统的IP 62      *  63      * @return 64      * @throws Exception 65      */ 66     private static InetAddress getUnixLocalIp() throws Exception { 67         Enumeration
netInterfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); 68 if (null == netInterfaces) { 69 throw new Exception("获取类Unix系统的IP失败"); 70 } 71 InetAddress ip = null; 72 while (netInterfaces.hasMoreElements()) { 73 NetworkInterface ni = netInterfaces.nextElement(); 74 if (ni.isUp()) { 75 Enumeration
addressEnumeration = ni.getInetAddresses(); 76 while (addressEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) { 77 ip = addressEnumeration.nextElement(); 78 if (ip.isSiteLocalAddress() && !ip.isLoopbackAddress() && !ip.getHostAddress().contains(":")) { 79 return ip; 80 } 81 } 82 } 83 } 84 throw new Exception("获取类Unix系统的IP失败"); 85 } 86 87 88 /** 89 * 获取window系统的ip,貌似不会返回null 90 * 91 * @return 92 * @throws UnknownHostException 93 */ 94 private static InetAddress getWinLocalIp() throws UnknownHostException { 95 InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); 96 return inetAddress; 97 } 98 99 100 /**101 * 获取操作系统名称102 * 103 * @return104 */105 private static String getSystemOsName() {106 Properties props = System.getProperties();107 String osName = props.getProperty("os.name");108 return osName;109 }110 111 112 /**113 * 获取内存信息114 * 115 * @return116 */117 public static final String getRamInfo() {118 Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();119 return "RAM:" + rt.totalMemory()/1024/1024 + "MB total," + rt.freeMemory()/1024/1024 + "MB free.";120 }121 122 123 public static void main(String[] args) {124 try {125 getLocalIp();126 } catch (Exception e) {127 LOG.error("failed");128 }129 }130 }
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MySql加解密 - MySqlCryptoUtils.java
1 package com.sf.shiva.trtms.ground.core.utils; 2  3 import com.sf.shiva.trtms.ground.core.error.UnsupportedRuntimeException; 4 import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; 5 import org.slf4j.Logger; 6 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 7  8 import javax.crypto.Cipher; 9 import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;10 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;11 12 public class MySqlCryptoUtils {13 14     private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MySqlCryptoUtils.class);15 16     private MySqlCryptoUtils() {17     }18 19     /**20      * AES-密钥21      *22      * @param key--密钥串23      * @param encoding--编码24      * @return25      */26     private static SecretKeySpec generateMySQLAESKey(final String key, final String encoding) {27         try {28             final byte[] finalKey = new byte[16];29             int i = 0;30             for (byte b : key.getBytes(encoding))31                 finalKey[i++ % 16] ^= b;32             return new SecretKeySpec(finalKey, "AES");33         } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {34             throw new UnsupportedRuntimeException(e);35         }36     }37 38     /**39      * 字符串AES加密(mysql)40      *41      * @param src-- 需要加密的字符串42      * @param key-- 密钥43      * @return44      */45     public static String mysqlEncryptToHex(String src, String key) {46         String encryptString = null;47         try {48             Cipher encryptCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");49             SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = generateMySQLAESKey(key, "UTF-8");// 密钥50             encryptCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec);51 52             byte[] bytes = encryptCipher.doFinal(src.getBytes());53             encryptString = new String(Hex.encodeHex(bytes));54         } catch (Exception e) {55             logger.error("The MySqlCrypto.mysqlDecryptToHex Exception!", e);56         }57         return encryptString;58     }59 60     /**61      * 字符串AES解密(mysql)62      *63      * @param value--加密后的十六进制字符串64      * @param key--              密钥65      * @return66      */67     public static String mysqlDecryptToHex(String value, String key) {68         String decryptString = null;69         try {70             Cipher decryptCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");71             SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = generateMySQLAESKey(key, "UTF-8");// 密钥72             decryptCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec);73 74             byte[] bytes = Hex.decodeHex(value.toCharArray());75             bytes = decryptCipher.doFinal(bytes);76             decryptString = new String(bytes);77         } catch (Exception e) {78             logger.error("The MySqlCrypto.mysqlDecryptToHex Exception!", e);79         }80         return decryptString;81     }82 }
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1 package com.sf.shiva.trtms.ground.core.error; 2  3 /** 4  * 不支持-运行时异常 5  * 6  */ 7 public class UnsupportedRuntimeException extends GrdRuntimeException { 8  9     /**10      * 不用的11      */12     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;13 14     public UnsupportedRuntimeException() {15         super("Unsupported Runtime Exception!");16     }17 18     public UnsupportedRuntimeException(Throwable e) {19         super("Unsupported Runtime Exception!", e);20     }21 22     public UnsupportedRuntimeException(String code, String msg) {23         super(msg);24         this.code = code;25     }26 }
UnsupportedRuntimeException Code
SQLUtils - SQLUtils.java
1 package com.sf.shiva.trtms.ground.core.utils; 2  3 import java.util.regex.Pattern; 4  5 public class SQLUtils { 6  7     private SQLUtils() { 8     } 9 10     private final static String[] patternList = {".*(update|UPDATE) .*(set|SET) .*", ".*(delete|DELETE_PLAN) .*(from|FROM) .*", ".*(drop|DROP) .*", ".*(alter|ALTER) .*(table|TABLE) .*", ".*(truncate|TRUNCATE) .*"};11 12     public static boolean isSelectSql(String sql) {13         if ( org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank(sql)) {14             return false;15         }16         for (String pattern : patternList) {17             boolean ok = Pattern.matches(pattern, sql);18             if (ok) return false;19         }20         return true;21     }22 23     public enum Type {24         SELECT, UPDATE, CREATE, DELETE, UNKNOW, DROP, ALTER, TRUNCATE25     }26 27     public static Type parseType(String sql) {28         String tmp = org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.trim(sql);29         String[] lines = tmp.split("\n");30         String sqlStart = "";31         if (lines.length <= 1) {32             sqlStart = tmp;33         } else {34             int i = 0;35             for (String line : lines) {36                 if ( org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank(line)) {37                     continue;38                 }39                 if (line.startsWith("/*")) {40                     i = 1;41                 } else if (i == 0 && !line.startsWith("-- ") && !line.startsWith("#")) {42                     sqlStart = line;43                     break;44                 } else if (line.startsWith("*/")) {45                     i = 0;46                 }47             }48         }49 50         if (sqlStart.startsWith("select") || sqlStart.startsWith("SELECT")) {51             return Type.SELECT;52         } else if (sqlStart.startsWith("update") || sqlStart.startsWith("UPDATE")) {53             return Type.UPDATE;54         } else if (sqlStart.startsWith("create") || sqlStart.startsWith("CREATE")) {55             return Type.CREATE;56         } else if (sqlStart.startsWith("delete") || sqlStart.startsWith("DELETE_PLAN")) {57             return Type.DELETE;58         } else if (sqlStart.startsWith("drop") || sqlStart.startsWith("DROP")) {59             return Type.DROP;60         } else if (sqlStart.startsWith("alter") || sqlStart.startsWith("ALTER")) {61             return Type.ALTER;62         } else if (sqlStart.startsWith("truncate") || sqlStart.startsWith("TRUNCATE")) {63             return Type.TRUNCATE;64         }65         return Type.UNKNOW;66     }67 }
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MapUtil请求URL - MapUtil.java
1 /*  2  * Copyright (c) 2017, S.F. Express Inc. All rights reserved.  3  */  4 package com.sf.shiva.trtms.ground.core.utils;  5   6 import org.dom4j.Document;  7 import org.dom4j.DocumentException;  8 import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;  9 import org.dom4j.Element; 10 import org.json.JSONObject; 11 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 12  13 import java.io.BufferedReader; 14 import java.io.IOException; 15 import java.io.InputStreamReader; 16 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; 17 import java.net.URL; 18 import java.net.URLConnection; 19 import java.net.URLEncoder; 20  21  22 /** 23  * 请求url操作工具类 24  */ 25 public class MapUtil { 26     private static org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MapUtil.class); 27  28     //请求url获取string字符串 29     public static String loadUrl(String url) { 30         StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder(); 31         BufferedReader in = null; 32         try { 33             URL server = new URL(url); 34             URLConnection yc = server.openConnection(); 35             yc.setRequestProperty("accept", "*/*"); 36             yc.setRequestProperty("connection", "Keep-Alive"); 37             //建立连接   38             yc.connect(); 39  40             in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( 41                     yc.getInputStream(), "utf-8"));//防止乱码 42             String inputLine = null; 43             while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { 44                 json.append(inputLine); 45             } 46         } catch (IOException e) { 47             logger.error("An anomaly occurs in the analysis of latitude and longitude:{}", e.getMessage()); 48         } finally { 49             IOUtils.close(in); 50         } 51         return json.toString(); 52     } 53  54     //解析获取json数据 55     public static String getKey(String url, String key) { 56         JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(url); 57         return obj.getString(key); 58     } 59  60  61     /** 62      * 拼装解析经纬度url 63      * 64      * @param citys 省市 省市之间用,分割,还要判断市是否有/,如有,取第一个市 65      * @return 66      * @params url 图吧url 67      */ 68     public static String convertCityUrl(String url, String citys) { 69         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(url); 70         String[] cs = citys.split(","); 71         String province = cs[0]; 72         String city = cs[1]; 73         if (city.contains("/")) { 74             city = city.split("/")[0]; 75         } 76         try { 77             sb.append("/geocoding/getLatLonByAddress.json?encode=UTF-8&customer=2").append("&keyword=").append(URLEncoder.encode(province + city, "UTF-8")); 78             sb.append("&city=").append(URLEncoder.encode(city, "UTF-8")); 79  80         } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { 81             return null; 82         } 83         return sb.toString(); 84     } 85  86     /** 87      * 拼装根据经纬度获取距离的url 88      * 89      * @param oriLatLon  始发城市经纬度 如  19.232,123.232 90      * @param destLatLon 目的城市经纬度 91      * @param mid        :['0', "地址到地址"], ['1', "网点到网点"],['2', "地址到网点"],['3', "网点到地址"],['4', "车辆当前位置到网点"] 92      * @param style      : ['0', "最快路线"],['1', "最短路线"], ['6', "避开高速"],['3', "步行"] 93      * @return 94      * @params url 图吧url 95      */ 96     public static String convertDistanceUrl(String url, String oriLatLon, String destLatLon, String mid, int style) { 97         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(url); 98         sb.append("/route/getDriveByLatLon.xml?customer=2&encode=UTF-8"); 99         sb.append("&orig=").append(oriLatLon).append("&dest=").append(destLatLon);100         if (mid != null && !"".equals(mid)) {101             sb.append("&mid=").append(mid);102         }103         sb.append("&style=").append(style).append("&inGb=g02&outGb=g02");104         return sb.toString();105     }106 107     //根据经纬度解析xml获取距离108     public static String getDistance(String xml) {109         String value = null;110         try {111             Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml);112             Element root = doc.getRootElement();113             value = root.elementText("distance");114         } catch (DocumentException e) {115             return null;116         }117         return value;118     }119 120 }
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BaseResult接口返回 - aseResult.java
1 package com.sf.shiva.trtms.ground.core.http; 2  3 import java.io.Serializable; 4 import java.util.ArrayList; 5 import java.util.Collection; 6  7 public class BaseResult
implements Serializable { 8 9 private int status = 0;10 private String code;11 private String msg;12 13 private Collection
records = new ArrayList<>();14 15 public BaseResult() {16 }17 18 public BaseResult(T record) {19 this.status = 1;20 this.records = new ArrayList<>();21 this.records.add(record);22 }23 24 public BaseResult(Collection
records) {25 if (records != null && !records.isEmpty()) {26 this.status = 1;27 this.records = records;28 }29 }30 31 public Collection
getRecords() {32 return records;33 }34 35 public void setRecords(Collection
records) {36 if (records != null && !records.isEmpty()) {37 this.status = 1;38 this.records = records;39 }40 }41 42 public int getStatus() {43 return status;44 }45 46 public void setStatus(int status) {47 this.status = status;48 }49 50 public String getCode() {51 return code;52 }53 54 public void setCode(String code) {55 this.code = code;56 }57 58 public String getMsg() {59 return msg;60 }61 62 public void setMsg(String msg) {63 this.msg = msg;64 }65 66 67 public boolean isSuccess() {68 return status == 1;69 }70 71 public boolean isEmpty() {72 return records == null || records.isEmpty();73 }74 75 public T get() {76 if (isEmpty()) {77 return null;78 }79 return records.iterator().next();80 }81 }
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PlatformUtils获取本机IP - PlatformUtils.java
1 package com.sf.shiva.trtms.ground.core.utils; 2  3 import org.slf4j.Logger; 4 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 5  6 import java.net.InetAddress; 7 import java.net.NetworkInterface; 8 import java.net.SocketException; 9 import java.net.UnknownHostException;10 11 public class PlatformUtils {12 13     private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PlatformUtils.class);14 15     private PlatformUtils() {16     }17 18     /**19      * 获取本机器的IP地址20      *21      * @return22      */23     public static String getLocalHostIp() {24         try {25             InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();26             return addr.getHostAddress();27         } catch (UnknownHostException e) {28             LOG.error("getLocalHostIp()", e);29             return "N/A";30         }31     }32 33     /**34      * 获取本机器的MAC地址35      *36      * @return37      * @throws Exception38      */39     public static String getLocalHostMac() {40         try {41             InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost();42             NetworkInterface networkInterface = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(inetAddress);43             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();44             // 获取网卡,获取地址45             byte[] mac = networkInterface.getHardwareAddress();46             for (int i = 0; i < mac.length; i++) {47                 if (i != 0) {48                     sb.append(":");49                 }50                 // 字节转换为整数51                 int temp = mac[i] & 0xff;52                 String str = Integer.toHexString(temp);53                 if (str.length() == 1) {54                     sb.append("0" + str);55                 } else {56                     sb.append(str);57                 }58             }59             return sb.toString().toUpperCase();60         } catch (UnknownHostException | SocketException ue) {61             LOG.error("getLocalHostMac()", ue);62             return "N/A";63         }64     }65 }
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